Saturday 16 May 2015

Must To Know Things About Stress

Men Are At More Risk Of Developing Stress 
A study has shown that women can handle stress well as compared to male members. They show up the physical and mental affects of stress such as fatigue, tiredness, sleeplessness and they get aggressive and violent. They also resort to drug and alcohol abuse.

Causes A Heart Problem Called 'broken Heart'
 Extreme stress and emotional trauma can weaken your heart muscles. This condition is known as stress cardiomyopathy (severe heart muscle weakness). It occurs mostly in women and can be fatal.

Drastically Affects Fertility In Both The Sexes
 In women stress causes fertility issues by affecting the release of eggs from the fallopian tubes. Maturation of eggs is also affected. In males stress causes decrease in sperm count. This is one of the worst health hazards of stress.

Primary Reason For Stress Is Money
 It has been shown in a study that the main reason for stress in many countries is money. For example united states and china are more under stress as they want more money. However countries like Russia and France are least worried.

Stress Affects The Foetus Inside The Womb 
Stress in pregnant mother's can cause early birth of baby and uterine infections. The baby is also mentally weak, Mother's stress can also cause behavioral and personality problems in the baby.

Stress Has An Effect On Your Blood
 Among the stress related health problems is high blood pressure and thick blood. Stress causes your blood to thicken and high blood pressure as it prepares your body for any physical injury. So capillaries get closed which further increase blood pressure.

Stress Weakens
 Your Immunity Stress makes your immune system weak as your body is busy in tackling with your stress so less focus is on strengthening the immunity. Stress keeps all your body energy involved and the normal body processes are neglected.

Your Profession Also Plays A Role
 It has been proved in a research that pilots, fire-fighters and military personals are at more risk of developing stress disorders than other professions such as jewelers, hair stylists and university professor's. This is one of the unknown stress facts.


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